My friends are better than your friends

I don't want to sound like a shit, but my friends are waaaay better than your friends. I swear to God, every single one of them has read "There is no good card for this: What to say and do when life is scary, awful, and unfair to people you love" by Crowe and McDowell, and they show up like whoa.

From the ones who say "I'm sorry," (you have no idea what this little simple gesture can do) instead of avoiding you because a stroke might be contagious?

To the one who mows your yard even though it is so overgrown that he might get dengue fever. TWICE,

To the one who brings her dog on the day you have to go to work and turn your stuff in because you always loved her dog,

To the one who drives through the snow to take you to a movie you love, and when you say "I kind of want to throw a party" takes it and runs with it and hosts the party and assigns everyone a goddamn job so you don't have to lift a finger except to say "more green curry please,"

To the one who drops everything to send a care package full of supplements so you'll feel better and visits you every time she's in SLC,

To the one that sends you a card with a coupon for a year's supply of audiobooks from LONDON,

To the one who designed the cake shown here "because Harmon's won't let you get a sweary cake like Fuck Strokes" and sends you little cartoons that make you make you laugh and laugh,

And the one who offers to send dinner when she's in the Czech Republic and starts a gofundme so you can pay for the thousands of bills AND plans your fucking wedding so you feel like a princess, AND sends you completely wonderful pictures of her children doings things when you feel *this close* to shoving your head in the oven (I could go on and on)

THOSE are the friends I have (and many more; I can't remember everyone because I had a goddamn stroke). I am so lucky, when I think about it, I just start ugly crying, where I have to tell my husband and son "it's good crying!"

Those are the people I spent my "Fuck Strokes" party with, and I am honored to have you even when I'm a hot mess.


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